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   8 ;"          ":
   5 ;x;". ";f$
   4 ;"           ":
   4 ;"            ":
   4 ;"               ":
   3 ;"    PRESS 
   2 A.C.L.    
   2 ;"code for the number 
   2 ;"You will see this               demonstrated when you           continue.":
   2 ;"TO CONTINUE" 
   2 ;"PRESS ";:
   2 ;"EXERCISE 10":
   2 ;"-is the computer's";
   2 ;" TEXT MODE ":
   2 ;" SOFTWARE ":
   2 ;" HARDWARE ":
   2 ;"         ":
   2 ;"             ":
   2 ;"               "
   2 ;"                 "
   2 ;"                   "
   2               ";
   1 high quality
   1 groups of 8
   1 f$,a$,b$,c$,n$
   1 a$=a$+"2. FOLLOW THE LOADING              PROCEDURE IN THE MANUAL         TO LOAD PROGRAM 4                                                                            "
   1 a$="e.g. OOOOOO11":
   1 a$="OOOOOO11":
   1 a$="OO1OOOO1":
   1 a$="O1OOOOO1":
   1 a$="MF5JG9KR7GH5CH9ZX2"
   1 a$="    YOU HAVE NOW COMPLETED                                                 PROGRAM 3                                            "
   1 The computer,cassette       recorders,disk drives,          televisions,monitors,           printers and other              peripherals."
   1 Loading- Please Wait
   1 Bits and Bytes
   1 A$=A$+"1. TURN OVER THE TAPE AND MAKE     SURE THAT IT IS FULLY REWOUND                                "
   1 ;"work going out to               customers,mailshots             etc."              
   1 ;"to print the letter 
   1 ;"the number 
   1 ;"tells the computer";
   1 ;"per line"
   1 ;"continued.."
   1 ;"bbbbbbbbbb":
   1 ;"What is it to be used for."
   1 ;"Volume A";
   1 ;"Therefore this 
   1 ;"Program  3"
   1 ;"POINTS SCORED=";tp
   1 ;"If you wish to repeat this      section before answering the    questions which follow,press    the key indicated for REPEAT,   otherwise press SPACE to        continue."
   1 ;"If you wish to repeat this      section before answering the    questions which follow, press   the key indicated for REPEAT,   otherwise press SPACE to        continue."
   1 ;"How much you want to spend.":
   1 ;"HOW  A";
   1 ;"For example,this is how the     letter E would be generated     on a dot matrix printer." 
   1 ;"Active Computer Learning"
   1 ;"32 characters":
   1 ;"..........":
   1 ;"-is the code which";
   1 ;" printers."
   1 ;" and ";:
   1 ;" TELEVISIONS ":
   1 ;" SCREENS ":
   1 ;" MONITORS ":
   1 ;" GRAPHICS MODE ":
   1 ;" EXERCISE 9 ":
   1 ;" EXERCISE 8 ":
   1 ;" EXERCISE 7 ":
   1 ;" EXERCISE 6 ":
   1 ;" DOT MATRIX ":
   1 ;" DAISYWHEEL ":
   1 ;"  This uses a spoked wheel        with characters moulded into    the tip of each spoke.          It spins very quickly until     the desired character is        uppermost.Then a small          hammer taps the character       against an inked ribbon to      produce the print."
   1 ;"  This term refers to the         programs which make the         computer work for us."
   1 ;"  This term refers to the         physical components of the      computer system."
   1 ;"  This measurement is usually     in the form of the number       of horizontal and vertical      dots making up the image."  
   1 ;"  These are:"
   1 ;"  There are 2 main types of       printer:":
   1 ;"  The most common method by       which the computer              communicates with you is        via a screen."
   1 ;"  Other varieties of 
   1 ;"  Look out for how many lines of  text can be displayed,and       how many characters there       are to a line.This varies       between makes of computer."
   1 ;"  It is much easier to find       out what is wrong with a        program if you can see the      whole thing listed on           paper,rather than working       through it a screen at a        time."
   1 ;"  In the most common variety,     a vertical line of 7 or 9       needles passes across the       paper in a series of minute     steps.At each step the          needles required to produce     dots are 'fired' at the         paper.";
   1 ;"  In order to produce             typewriter-quality output       you need a 
   1 ;"  In both text and graphics       mode,monitors give sharper,     clearer images.They are         much easier on the eyes."
   1 ;"  If you are building up a        basic system you will be able   to plug your home computer      into most household             televisions."
   1 ;"  Graphics mode displays          pictures or diagrams on the     screen.":
   1 ;"  For business use or for         people reading from the         screen for long periods of      time,a monitor can be a         necessity."
   1 ;"  EITHER--Disrupt your family's   viewing.":
   1 ;"  As its name suggests it         forms characters on paper       by building them up from a      series of dots.":
   1 ;"  An important point to           remember is that most           monitors do not have            speakers.Therefore computers    which output sound via a        television speaker will be      unable to produce sound when    used with one of these          monitors."
   1 ;"  A screen will not produce a     permanent record  of            computer output.This is why     a printer may be required." 
   1 ;"   Tapes and disks do wear         and will not last forever.      They can also be                accidentally damaged.           Therefore,it is useful to       have a copy of their            contents."
   1 ;"    pixels"
   1 ;"    e.g.";:
   1 ;"    and   " :
   1 ;"     246":
   1 ;"         screen."
   1 ;"                "
   1 ;"                  "
   1 ;"                    "
   1 ;"                                "
   1 ;"        
   1 32,OOO characters.
   1 1,OOO characters
   1 1,OOO BYTES
   1 ...U.D.G.rout...
   1 ....Gen E....
   1 .                                    ","slower"
   1 ,during this            section.Let's now make sure     that the distinction between    the two is clear."
   1 ,and briefly            
   1 ++repeat+sub++
   1 ++SUB+SPACE++
   1 '''"This system uses only two       numbers- ";:
   1 '''"Then '
   1 '''"Being an electronic device, it  needs a method of representing  these numbers electrically in   its internal circuits.":
   1 '''"A group of 
   1 ''"Therefore 
   1 ''"The size of a computers memory  is measured in 
   1 ''"The easiest way to do this is touse the Binary system.":
   1 ''"If you examine the codes you    will see that these 
   1 '"We have already established thata computer has no 'brain'."'''"It posseses only one skill the  ability to manipulate millions  of numbers."
   1 '"The next stage up from bytes is to 
   1 '"For example:"'
   1 '"  Which you buy depends yet       again on:":
   1 '"  They have heat-producing and    spark-producing electrodes,     respectively.These replace      the needles and ribbons.They    require specially treated       (and expensive) paper to        work on."
   1 '"  They are usually faster and     quieter than the standard       
   1 '"  Many home computer users buy    printers so that they can       produce 
   1 '"  But remember although you may   be cutting costs you may :":
   1 '"   BYTE"''" OOOOOO11 =3"''"   1 BIT";
   1 ' can indicate the       absence of current and '
   1 '      can represent its presence.":
   1 "Which system does a             computer use to represent       numbers in its internal         circuits?","   a: The Decimal System","   b: The Binehaven System","   c: The Binary System","c"
   1 "What are the terms used to      describe the way computers      use and store numbers in        the Binary System?","   a: Bugs and Bits","   b: Bits and Bytes","   c: Kilos and Bytes","b"
   1 "To produce a permanent          record of computer output       a ------- is required.","printer","
   1 "This measurement is             usually in the form of          the number of horizontal        and -------- dots making        up the image.","vertical"
   1 "These dots are called           ------ and are turned on        and off to form pictures.                                                      ","pixels"
   1 "The two numbers used in the     Binary System are:","   a: 0 and 1","   b: 10 and 1","   c: 0 and 10","a"
   1 "The term -------- refers to     the physical components of      the computer system.","hardware","The term -------- refers to     the programs which make the     computer work for us.","software"
   1 "The next step up from           Bytes is to:","   a: Milobytes","   b: Kilobytes","   c: Megabytes","b"
   1 "The first method of             external storage discussed      was via --------.","cassette","A faster and more reliable      method of external storage      is via ----.","disk"
   1 "The computer is able to         ----------- a disk to           find unused sections            automatically.","interrogate","----- load and save             programs much faster than       tape.                                                         ","disks"
   1 "Most computers have 2           ------- modes.","display","---- mode displays              letters,numbers and other       characters","text","-------- mode displays          pictures or diagrams on         the screen.","graphics"
   1 "Monitors are more expensive     than televisions,but they       do produce a ---- -------       display in both TEXT and        GRAPHICS modes.","high quality"
   1 "In order to produce a           typewriter-quality output       you need a ----------           printer.","daisywheel","Even the fastest                
   1 "In front of the needles   is an inked ribbon.In this      way the character is built      up dot by dot."
   1 "In all areas programs are       saved and loaded much more      reliably using a ----           system.","disk"
   1 "If a tape head is worn or       dirty this is likely to         produce ------- ------.","loading errors","If the ------ is too high       or too low,loading errors       will occur.                     ","volume"
   1 "How many numbers does the       Binary Sytem use?","   a: Ten","   b: Two","   c: Three","b"
   1 "Graphics ---------- is a        measure of the accuracy         with which pictures can be      drawn or copied.","resolution"
   1 "Every letter of the alphabet,   every number and every special  symbol on the computer keyboard is assigned its own code;       i.e. by means of a combination  of 
   1 "Bits are always in groups       of:","   a: 5","   b: 10","   c: 8","c"
   1 "An important point to           remember is that most           monitors do not have a          -------.                                                 ","speaker"
   1 "A person building up a          basic system will be able       to plug their computer          into most  household             -----------.","televisions"
   1 "A group of 8 Bits is called     a:","   a: Binary Digit","   b: Kilobyte","   c: Byte","c"
   1 "A Kilobyte or K is used as      a measure of:","   a: A Computer's Memory","   b: A Computer's Weight","   c: A Computer's Size","a"
   1 "A Byte can also be thought      of as a:","   a: Evaluation Code","   b: User Code","   c: Character Code","c"
   1 "A Bit is:","   a: The smallest piece of           information a computer can      handle,i.e. 1 or 0","   b: 1,000 Bytes","   c: Half a Byte","a"
   1 "1K is equal to                  approximately:","   a: 10000 Bytes(or characters)","   b: 100 Bytes(or characters)","   c: 1000 Bytes(or characters)","c"
   1 "----- overcome the problems     associated with tape-based      storage systems.               ","disks","The contents of the disk        are recorded in the             ---------.                                     ","directory"
   1 "''"Lets look at them in relation toeach other"
   1 "''"Another term for a byte is a    
   1 " TO REPEAT"
   1 " - the computer's                  code for 
   1 "  i.e. ";:
   1 "  You cannot see software or      touch it.Yet it is vital to     the system."
   1 "  What can prove a problem is     the fact that they produce      characters with a broken        appearance." 
   1 "  We have discussed both          
   1 "  This is fine for the            hobbyist and for rough          drafts,but not suitable for     many business purposes":
   1 "  They are more expensive than    televisions,but they do         produce  a 
   1 "  These dots are called 
   1 "  Therefore a small portable      television may be necessary.":
   1 "  The term 
   1 "  The reason for this is that     they were purpose built to      display computer output."
   1 "  The finer the graphics          resolution(i.e.the higher       the number of dots) the         better the quality of the       resulting image."
   1 "  OR------Limit your use of       the computer."
   1 "  Most computers now have 2       ";:
   1 "  But they remain the only way    of obtaining a top-quality      printout."
   1 "    I wish you could see and      try out our new car.It is as    smooth and as swift as a        cloud.I am sure you will        like it and will want to        drive it when we go on          holiday to Scotland.I think     we should leave here about      0700 hours,and that will        get us on to the M6 before      the city rush hour."
   1  tells the          computer what to do and         without it the 
   1  printers.Even   the fastest 
   1  printers produce     characters with a ------        appearance.                    ","broken"
   1  printers are much    cheaper than the 
   1  printers and can     be produced at very low         cost."            
   1  on this      computer is:"
   1  on      this computer is:"
   1  of programs     that they are working on."
   1  of memory we can storeup to 
   1  of memory we can store up to 
   1  is called a   
   1  is a        measure of the accuracy         with which pictures can be      drawn or copied."
   1  i.e.     letters, numbers etc."
   1  displays letters,     numbers and other               characters,such as you are      reading now."
   1  are the terms    that describe the way that      computers use and store numbers in this way.":
   1  are more            expensive,noisier and heavier   than 
   1  are ------          than a medium speed             
   1  are    always put together in          
   1  are     slower than a medium speed      
   1  TO REPEAT";
   1  (short for binary digit)  is the smallest piece of        information a computer can      handle, i.e. a 
   1  (i.e.         printed copies)
   1    printer are ";:
   1     and are turned on and off to    form pictures."
   1      variety."
   1          display."
   1          describes how much              information can be              displayed on the screen at      any one time."   
   1          cannot function."
   1            printer."
   1             approximately